Arts Aero received Premium status as a foal with Oldenburg NA.
He is currently registered with Oldenburg and The American
Pinto Horse Association.
This lovely young stallion is a true athlete and is a joy to handle/ride
whether it be by an amateur or a professional. He has been successful in show jumping, eventing
and now dressage. In 2007 Arts Aero was ridden by Kim Farlinger and did quite well with her. The highlight
was competing at Spruce Meadows, placing 4th and going double clear!!! He finished up the year doing 4'3" before
coming home and competing in Eventing with is Amateur owner.
Arts Aero and amateur owner, April Wayenberg, brought home a 2nd place
from Checkmate Horse Trails competing at the entry level on September 8/2007
Arts Aero and amateur owner, April Wayenberg, compete at their first national dressage show together May 30 - June 1/2008. It was held
at Palgrave and the pair brought
home a 63.4% doing level one test three and 65.8% doing level one test four which gave them a 3rd place.
An extremely versatile stallion that produces foals capable of achieving high levels in many disciplines.
We are take booking fees for the 2008 season & transported semen
will be available.
Arts Aero is by Art Deco (foundation sire of Pinto Sporthorses in the North
America.) He is out of Darea, a 17.1
Oldenburg approved Thoroughbred mare. She is by the Irish Thoroughbred
stallion, "Daring" who is by "Bold Lad" - #1
turf stallion in England. Darea is out of a Salutely mare. Art's Aeros sire, Art Deco, is one of those rare individuals
who can combine an extremely heavy breeding schedule with showing
and training. He can do this because of his outstanding temperament which he
has passed on to his son Arts Aero. Art Deco has
earned three prestigious star awards and is an Elite stallion. He has competed
successfully in Grand Prix Dressage, Hunters,
Eventing and Jumpers. He is one of the top producers of premium offspring for
ISR/Oldenburg with Arts Aero being no exception.
Art Deco also has produced numerous stallion sons and premium mares.
Art's Aeros grand-sireSamber received a rare 10 for temperament
and trainability in Holland. Samber competed very successfully through
Grand Prix Dressage and at the Z levels jumpers. Samber has been in the top 15
for producing dressage horses in Holland (out of
over 400 stallions) and in the top 100 for producing jumpers. Zorba, Arts Aeros
grand-dam is a ster, preferent, prestantie mare which
are some of the highest ratings a Dutch mare can have.
Arts Aero
Premium Oldenburg Black/White Pinto Mature to
Art Deco
(photo susane 16.3h Black/White Pinto Oldenburg
foundation sire of Pinto Sporthorses in the North America.
Samber WPN Pinto Received a rare 10 for temperament and trainability in Holland.
Pericles xx
Relic xx
Queen Of Peru XX
Tina WPN
Ordonnans WPN
astrid WPN
Zorba WPN
Trait D'Union WPN
Carajan Trak
Tunika Trak
Naly A WPN
Floor WPN
Raly A WPN
Darea xx 17.1 h Dark Bay Oldenburg approved Thoroughbred mare.
IRE xx
1982; Dark Bay
Bold Lad IRE xx #1 turf stallion in England.($60,664)
Bold Ruler USA xx
Barn Pride IRE xx
Topping Girl GB xx
1972; Brown
Sea Hawk 11 FR xx
Round Eye xx
Hail Mary Bo
1990; XX
Salutely XX 1978; 23 starts $69,004
Hoist the Flag xx
Politely 1963; xx chestnut
49 starts (21-9-5) $552,972
Mary Bo Peep 1978; XX
Turn to Bo xx
Mary Chase xx1969
Above photo above taken by
Bob Tarr
at 4 years of age.